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Dispatches From The Outlaw Ocean - Episode 1: Where Killers Go Free

03 June 2023, MVT 16:53
03 June 2023, MVT 16:53

A gruesome video turns up on a cell phone, abandoned in the back of a cab. Four men desperately cling to a wreckage, somewhere in the high seas. Shots ring out. The men are gunned down, methodically, one by one. There are countless witnesses to their slaughter.

Yet like 99 percent of all murders that occur in international waters, the crime goes unreported. When the footage finally surfaces and goes viral, no government is willing to investigate.

Over the span of a decade, Ian Urbina will travel the oceans in search of answers. In this episode, he takes viewers on a tireless investigation, deep into the murky world of floating armories, mercenaries and pirates and exploring why offshore crime is so prevalent, unreported, and unpunished.

This series was produced by The Outlaw Ocean Project: www.theoutlawocean.com

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