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Muizzu and Adam Shareef to contest through PNC

Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2023, MVT 13:37
Male' City Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu (L) and Adam Shareef--
Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2023, MVT 13:37

Malé City Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu and Maduvvari MP Adam Shareef have informally announced their interest to contend in the elections through People’s National Congress (PNC).

PNC made the decision to contest the elections separately to fill the void created by EC's rejection of Yameen as the PPM/PNC coalition's candidate. The main opposition party appealed Yameen's candidacy rejection to the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Despite expressing interest, both Dr. Muizzu and Shareef have not made any official statements about their decision. Earlier, Guraidhoo MP Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon also expressed interest in contending in the elections, but he has since changed his stance.

The party held its senate meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 3, where 44 out of the 47 senate members approved for PNC to contend in the elections separately. Following this decision, the party will be required to amend its regulations to enable it to field its own candidate.

PNC's regulations stipulate that its presidential candidate should be nominated through a primary election, but due to the limited time before the presidential election, the party cannot risk facing further delays. As a result, the regulations will be amended to grant PNC's senate the discretion to appoint its candidate.

Currently, Shareef is the Vice leader of PNC while Dr. Muizzu is the Vice leader of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), the coalition partner of PPM. The mayor has signed as a member of PNC to contend through the party.

PNC decided to hold its senate meeting to decide regarding the elections after PPM leader Abdulla Yameen rejected choosing an alternative presidential candidate and running mate for a third time and had handed over the discretion to PNC.

Dr. Mohamed Muizzu

As the current Malé City Mayor, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has a visible track record of his contributions, setting him apart from other frontrunners for the PNC presidential candidate ticket. During Abdulla Yameen's presidency, Dr. Muizzu served as the minister of housing had overseen various infrastructural development projects carried out in the Maldives.

In addition, Dr. Muizzu won the Malé City Mayor position with 63 percent of the votes, defeating candidates from the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). This victory was significant, considering the MDP's super-majority status in the executive and legislative branches, showcasing Dr. Muizzu's ability to garner support across party lines.

In addition to serving as the housing minister during Yameen's presidency, Dr. Muizzu also held the same position for one and a half years during Mohamed Waheed's presidency. One of his most notable achievements is the successful execution and completion of the Sinamalé Bridge.

Dr. Muizzu is also credited as the driving force behind the success of various developmental initiatives during Yameen's presidency. His loyalty to Yameen remained even after the former president's prison sentence.

Furthermore, Muizzu is the top frontrunner to contend through the PPM/PNC coalition, as his name is the most favored among the senate members.

Adam Shareef

Maduvvari MP Adam Shareef played a crucial role during Yameen's presidency, serving as the Minister of Defense during one of the most challenging periods.

Adam Shareef's contributions in the field of education and his loyalty to the former president has made him a prominent figure within the PPM/PNC coalition.

Adam Shareef's vocal support for Yameen and the PPM, both inside and outside the parliament, has made him an influential and prominent figure. He actively participates in PPM rallies, especially those advocating for the release of Yameen.

Despite his relatively shorter political career compared to his contemporaries, Shareef has garnered significant support from the majority of PPM/PNC coalition members.