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Azim pledges to protect rights of Malé City land owners

Mohamed Rehan
10 December 2023, MVT 11:59
Adam Azim, who is running for mayorship of Male' City promised to defend the rights of the citizens of Male' City and ensure they receive the housing units and land plots awarded during the previous government-- Photo: MDP
Mohamed Rehan
10 December 2023, MVT 11:59

Adam Azim, who has announced his candidacy for Malé City Mayor, has pledged to defend the rights of the city's residents who were awarded land plots through the Binveriyaa scheme.

The Binveriyaa and Gedhoruveriyaa schemes were launched during the previous administration led by former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

Despite awarding land plots and housing units to Malé City residents during the previous government, the Malé Citizens' Association has expressed concerns about the proceedings of the schemes following the change in regime.

Azim, during a meeting with members of the Malé Citizens' Association at the Maldivian Democratic Party's (MDP) office, assured that he would advocate for the rights of all Malé City citizens who were granted plots and housing units. He pledged that these citizens would not face homelessness if he is elected as the city's next Mayor.

Azim committed to exploring all available legal avenues to safeguard the rights of citizens from the first day of his tenure as the Mayor.

The Mayoral candidate also assured to work alongside all relevant government bodies towards his goal of ensuring the protection of the rights of the citizens, and promised to avoid "duplication" of services to save expenditure.

Azim further promised to enhancing transparency by publishing the city council's financial accounts on a monthly basis, aiming to keep the public informed about the authority's expenditure and revenue.

Azim, the former Managing Director of Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), pledged to fulfill all of his campaign promises if elected as the next Mayor of Malé City.

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