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India resumes onion export to Maldives

Nafaahath Ibrahim
14 October 2019, MVT 09:24
A man loads a sack of onions onto a boat. FILE PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
14 October 2019, MVT 09:24

India resumed export of onion to Maldives from October 10 onwards.

Although there was a brief interruption for a few days in the previous week due to operational reasons, the exports to Maldives have resumed in full measure, as per the Indian Embassy.

In a statement, the embassy stated that Maldives is an exception to the regional export ban to South Asian countries put in place by India.

However, in accordance with the decision made by the Indian government during the state visit by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, India stated that it will continue to supply essential commodities to Maldives, including onions and other essential food items, river sand and aggregates.

The Indian government put the ban on export due to a failure of the onion crop.

The embassy further stated that the continued export to Maldives from India reflects mutual respect that underpins the bilateral relationship that exists between both countries.

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