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Maldives lifts restrictions on Vilamendhoo, Reethi Rah

Ahmed Aiham
11 March 2020, MVT 11:30
Aerial view of One and Only Reethi Rah. PHOTO: One&Only Reethi Rah
Ahmed Aiham
11 March 2020, MVT 11:30

The government on Wednesday lifted the temporary restrictions on Vilamendhoo Island Resort and One and Only Reethi Rah after their suspected cases of COVID-19 tested negative.

Health Protection Agency revealed that Vilamendhoo Island Resort's suspected case tested negative for COVID-19. PHOTO: TWITTER

With this development, there are now three resorts in the country under quarantine: Kuredu Island Resort, Sandies Bathala Resort and Kuramathi Island Resort.

Six foreign nationals have tested positive for the coronavirus in Maldives, while several other individuals that were in close contact with confirmed or suspected cases, or exhibited symptoms of COVID-19, have been placed in quarantine or isolation.

Till date, no Maldivians have tested positive for COVID-19.

Maldives has also banned entry from China, Iran, Bangladesh, Italy and two regions of South Korea, as well as all cruise liners docking in the country, in a bid to curb the potential spread of the virus.