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Primary healthcare campaign launched to control non-communicable diseases

Malika Shahid
20 December 2022, MVT 17:19
Primary Health Care Campaign launched by World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director, Dr. Poonam Khetrapal -- Photo: Ministry of Health
Malika Shahid
20 December 2022, MVT 17:19

A primary health care campaign has been launched to control the rising number of deaths from non-communicable diseases.

At a ceremony held at Kurumba Maldives, the primary health care works were inaugurated by the World Health Organization's (WHO) Director for the South-East Asia region, Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh.

The programme will help create a closer relationship with health workers, facilitate sharing of public health issues and provide guidance on identifying health issues in the early stages.

Ensuring people's physical, mental and social health is the long-term goal of the project, according to the Ministry of Health.

The ministry said WHO is working to revive primary health care services. Under the supervision of technical experts, an assessment was conducted in Faafu atoll this year. Based on the findings, Faafu atoll has been designated as a "demonstration site" to start primary healthcare.

The Health Ministry said the programme will be conducted in Faafu atoll as the islands are located in close proximity, making it easier for many people to travel and due to the atoll having an established healthcare system.

Maldives is facing various challenges due to the increase in non-communicable diseases. Among which, heart disease is the leading cause of death, while stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic diseases of the respiratory system are also on the rise, according to the ministry.

The fundamental premise of primary healthcare, according to WHO, is that all people, everywhere, have the right to achieve the highest attainable level of health. It is a whole-of-society approach to effectively organise and strengthen national health systems to bring services for health and wellbeing closer to communities.

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