The popular streaming app 'Baiskoafu' is set to present a live music show titled 'Chanaachaa' on Thursday at Olympus Cinema.
The event is scheduled to run from 2100 hours till midnight and will feature live performances by the four local bands;
Tickets are currently being sold at a price of MVR 100. As per the organizers, all profits generated by sales will go directly to the performing bands and musicians themselves.
According to Ahmed Ishaan (Ishaantay) of 'Dinba Music', the current atmosphere lacks the space needed for the art of live performance. Adding that musicians are not generating revenue from their creations as the public turn to free digital platforms to listen to music, he stated that it is important for music to be considered as an option to earn a living.
Ishaan also thanked 'Baiskoafu' for their efforts to promote the spirit of live music shows in Maldives, as they present 'Chanaachaa', which Ishaan loosely translated to being 'the art of busking and showcasing talent'. Busking referring the acts by which street musicians and performers in most corners of the world generate their income.
Moreover, Ishaan pointed out that it is uncommon to see musicians hosting their own shows, except when sponsored by large corporations for their festivities.
"...and so we want to foster the spirit in which an individual band hosts their own shows and earn for themselves," said the esteemed musician.
Ishaan described 'Baiskoafu' as "a revolution for the art industry, because everyone in the industry is involved under one platform". The platform is tailored to provide direct revenue to the producers of its featured content; whether involving musicians or film directors, all content is monetized based on the plays it receives.