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Deputy Ministers Shiuna and Malsha resign from post

Malsha Shareef and Mariyam Shiuna, suspended on January for derogatory comments made against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi over India's decision to expand tourism in Lakshadweep have resigned from their respective government positions.

Aishath Shuba Solih
10 September 2024, MVT 15:17
Aishath Shuba Solih
10 September 2024, MVT 15:17

Malsha Shareef and Mariyam Shiuna, suspended on January for derogatory comments made against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi over India's decision to expand tourism in Lakshadweep have resigned from their respective government positions.

Although this comes nine months after their suspension from the posts of Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Youth, they have opted to keep their reason for resignation private.

Alongside Malsha and Shiuna, another Deputy Minister at the Ministry, Abdulla Mahzoon Maajid was also suspended with pay at the time in connection to the case. However, Mahzoon has not yet resigned from his post.

The three Deputy Ministers were suspended from their positions for insulting and criticizing PM Modi on social media, over a video he posted promoting tourism in Lakshadweep.

The three were penalized due to public demand for action which stressed that their comments have impacted tourism in the Maldives and tarnished the country's reputation.