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Senior police officer passes away suddenly

Ameera Osmanagic
28 April 2024, MVT 15:55
Chief Inspector of Police Mohamed Ziyad
Ameera Osmanagic
28 April 2024, MVT 15:55

Chief Inspector of Police Mohamed Ziyad, a senior officer at Maldives Police Service (MPS) has passed away suddenly this morning.

It has been reported that the 44-year-old passed away while receiving treatment at Tree Top Hospital in Hulhumalé. He was taken there after he fell while in the bathroom of his residence.

Inspector Ziyad, who previously worked at the Marine Police and Special Operations (SO) departments of MPS. He was stationed as a duty officer at the Command Center when he passed.

He initially joined the force during the time of National Security Service (NSS) before the institution was divided into Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) and Maldives Police Service.

He would have completed 27 years in service on the My 22.

Inspector Ziyad’s funeral prayer is schedule to be held at Masjid Zaid Bin Saabit in Hulhumalé after Asr prayers.

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Police Death
