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Expats detained for betel nut preparation in unsanitary conditions

The area used to prepare betel nuts for sale was found to be in a condition more unsanitary than what is expected for typical food preparation spaces.

Anaan Bushry
19 August 2024, MVT 20:55
The location used by the two arrested foreigners for cutting betel nuts for their illegal business. Photo - Immigration
Anaan Bushry
19 August 2024, MVT 20:55

Immigration authorities detained a group of expatriate workers yesterday for preparing betel nuts in unsanitary conditions and selling them.

During an operation conducted by Immigration to identify expatriates working illegally in the Maldives, two individuals were detained from Maafannu Reethi Orchid in a raid based on information provided by the Male' City Council.

According to Immigration, these individuals were operating an illegal business inside the house.

While preparing betel nuts for sale, the entire area was found to be in a more unsanitary condition than a typical food preparation space. Immigration said that this information has been shared with the relevant authorities.

Photos released by Immigration show cut betel nuts on a tray alongside clothes and other items stored in the same area. The images also show a sack placed at the bathroom door used for drying betel nuts.

The water bucket in which the two arrested foreigners stored betel nuts. Photo - Immigration

One image reveals a large number of betel nuts placed in a bucket of water to ease cutting. Given that clothes were hung inside the room, it is believed that the two arrested expats were also living in the same space.

Immigration said that during yesterday's operation, they stopped individuals conducting business without permits at the SME hub. Based on information received by "Immigration Watch," the location was searched, and three people were detained.

In addition, Immigration has recently detained individuals preparing various commonly bought items from stores prepared in a very unsanitary manner, alongside those selling betel nuts prepared unhygienically.

One of the main priorities of this government since taking office has been to address the issue of undocumented expatriates in the Maldives. A special operation was launched, leading to the detention of many individuals, some of whom have been deported.

This includes expatriates who were running businesses in the Maldives without valid permits.

According to Immigration, more than 2,000 foreigners have been deported in the past seven months. Immigration has also stated that the operation will continue until the issue is resolved.

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