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PM Modi arrives in Maldives on official state visit

Shahudha Mohamed
08 June 2019, MVT 15:39
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L) received by Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid at Velana International Airport, on June 8, 2019.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L) and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih at the Republic Square, where the former was officially welcomed on his first state visit to Maldives on June 8, 2019. PHOTO/PRESIDENT'S OFFICE
Shahudha Mohamed
08 June 2019, MVT 15:39

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi arrived in Maldives Saturday afternoon on his first official visit after being elected for a second term.

The special flight allocated for PM Modi landed at Velana International Airport (VIA) around 1510 hrs. According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the delegation travelling with PM Modi consists of an approximate 100 individuals.

The prime minister was received at VIA by Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid.

He arrived in the capital city of Male' at approximately 1600 hrs, where he was warmly welcomed by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih at the presidential jetty 'Izzudeen Faalan'.

The official welcoming ceremony was held at the Republic Square, where Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) fired a 21-gun salute in honour of the prime minister's visit. PM Modi inspected the Guard of Honour before he was escorted to the President's Office, to hold official talks with the president.

The Indian prime minister is visiting Maldives on the invitation of President Solih, to further strengthen the bilateral ties between the two countries.

Additionally, Foreign Ministry had previously revealed that the governments of Maldives and India will sign six agreements in five sectors during the prime minister's visit.

Moreover, PM Modi will inaugurate the coastal surveillance radar system established with Indian aid. Foreign Ministry announced that the inauguration will take place in capital Male' via a remote link.

After a joint press conference with the president, PM Modi will attend the parliament sitting, upon the invitation of Speaker Mohamed Nasheed, and give his special address.

A banquet in honour of the prime minister, hosted by the president and first lady, will be held late Saturday at Kurumba Village resort.

PM Modi will also call on other top government officials and politicians, including Vice President Faisal Naseem, Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla, and Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim.

The prime minister is scheduled to depart early Sunday.

Noting that India recognises Maldives as a valued partner with whom they share deep bonds of history and culture, PM Modi thanked President Solih for inviting him to Maldives in a tweet posted on Friday.