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Protest Over Valencia Board Transfer

Tuesday night, a gathering near Tholal’s residence called for his resignation, accusing Sports Commissioner Mohamed Tholal of altering the club's board without the awareness of Valencia.

31 January 2024, MVT 08:12
31 January 2024, MVT 08:12

A group of people gathered near Tholal’s residence on Tuesday night, demanding his resignation over allegations that Sports Commissioner Mohamed Tholal changed the club's board without Valencia's knowledge.

Leading the protest near Tholal’s residence, close to Marhaba shop in Maaveyo Magu, was Hussain Waheed (Dhona), former Valencia board member and Head of Maintenance at FAM.

Hussain Waheed, known for his proximity to FAM President Bassam, mentioned that a gathering of Valencia members took place near Tholal's residence last night.

He stated that the change to the Valencia board took place without his knowledge or that of other board members. Hussain further alleged the current Valencia chairman, Abdulla Azmeen, and Mahibadhoo MP Ahmed Thorig (Tom), who contested in the FAM elections, of leading the change. He expressed the concern of Valencia members, emphasizing that the board was registered by Tholal without the club members' consent.

“Azmeen and Tom approached Tholal to execute this. Tholal officially registered the board, and the club remains unaware of this. Even the club's Vice-President was kept in the dark about the proceedings. As a former board member, I was also oblivious to my removal from the board, and the replacement was carried out without the knowledge of any other board member," stated Hussain Waheed.

Hussain Waheed and his supporters raised slogans, brandishing images of Azmeen and the reinstated board member Ahmed Shareef (Maade'). They dispersed when the police arrived at the scene.

Bassam's Exco member Mufawiz Hashim and Thorig, both aspirants in the upcoming FAM elections, faced rejection of their Valencia endorsement letters by the FAM's electoral committee. Consequently, Thorig's candidacy was deemed invalid.

At the time of Thorig's appeal, there was no appeal committee in the FAM. Following FIFA's intervention, the election process has now been temporarily halted by the FAM.

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