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Lean Start-up Maldives camp to be held in Addu, registrations now open

The Lean Start-up Maldives camp held by Dhiraagu in partnership with Spark Hub is set to be held in Addu City Gan from July 19-21. Registration for the camp which will offer training on the business industry for aspiring entrepreneurs are now open.

Aishath Shuba Solih
02 July 2024, MVT 10:27
During a Lean Start-up Maldives campaign.
Aishath Shuba Solih
02 July 2024, MVT 10:27

The 'Lean Startup Maldives 2024' camp held by Dhiraagu in collaboration with Spark Hub has been scheduled to take place this month in Addu City located at the southernmost point of Maldives. Registrations to attend the camp has also now been extended

Lean Startup Maldives aims to acquaint aspiring entrepreneurs with the business industry through immersive trainings.

Dhiraagu explained this intensive start-up bootcamp is tailored to equip striving entrepreneurs and innovators with the knowledge, tools and thinking required to operate startups or drive innovations. The workshop is centered on the Lean Startup methodology, said Dhiraagu, which focuses on swift iterations and customer validation.

While this camp is being held in Addu for the first time, the event is set to be held over the span of three days from July 19 through July 21 at the Equator Village located in Gan.

During a Lean Start-up Maldives camp.

Dhiraagu said that the bootcamp will feature practical activities, collaborative exercises and expert-led sessions to advance and refine business-centric thinking using Lean Startup Canvas.

Participants will also be equipped with valuable elementary tools and techniques designed to assist early-stage startups in learning the correct procedures for identifying and obtaining customers, said Dhiraagu. The company also aims to engage participants in fundamental trainings which will focus on striving towards building a sustainable business prior to the launch of a startup.

Dhiraagu and Spark Hub has been collaborating to establish a start-up ecosystem in Maldives while supporting the local start-up culture. The Lean Startup camp continues to be held annually through their partnership under this aim.

Interested participants who would like to join Lean Startup Maldives 2024 can now register for the campaign through the link, bit.ly/LSM-Addu.

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