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Dhiraagu announces special Eid promotion offering free Wi-Fi in taxis

Dhiraagu has announced a new promotion offering free Wi-Fi via taxis.

Ameera Osmanagic
12 June 2024, MVT 20:31
A local taxi covered in Dhiraagu branding --
Ameera Osmanagic
12 June 2024, MVT 20:31

Dhiraagu has launched a special promotion to allow its customers to seamlessly connect to high speed internet while on the go in taxis.

Under this special Eid promo, taxi drivers would receive free MiFi devices with free 10 GB data, which the drivers would be able to use to offer wifi services inside their vehicles.

Dhiraagu said that this promotion which is being introduced in the capital Malé area will allow both taxi drivers and their passengers to connect, communicate and make transactions easily.

In order to get the MiFi device, all taxi drivers need to do is present their taxi cards to the Dhiraagu customer service center in Malé during the promotion's duration, which would last until the end of July.

Customers who come in early would be given priority, the local telecommunication company said.

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