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Operator will renovate Kooddoo Airport: Minister Ameen

Transport Minister said Kooddoo Airport will be renovated by the airport's operator.

Ameera Osmanagic
14 October 2024, MVT 20:21
[File] Kooddoo Airport --
Ameera Osmanagic
14 October 2024, MVT 20:21

The renovation required at Koodoo Airport has be done by the airport's operator, Pristine Island Maldives, but will be carefully monitored, said Transport Minister Mohamed Ameen.

He said this in a comment made to Mihaaru News about the matter.

This comes after national flag carrier Maldivian Aero announced plans to discontinue operations to the airport citing the airport's severely damaged runway and apron. The airline said the decision was made after two of its aircrafts had to be grounded due to the airport's poor condition.

Last Saturday, Minister Ameen said that the airport would be repaired very soon and brought back to operational status. Work to remedy the situation has commenced with the Ministry's initiative in collaboration with the Civil Aviation Authority, airport's operator and other relevant parties, he said at the time.

Kooddoo Airport was first opened in 2021. In 2017, the airport was reopened after expanding the runway to accommodate larger flights and jets.

The airport's operator, Pristine Island Maldives is partially owned by Singaporean shareholders.