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Muaz appointed Chairperson of Maldives Film Association

Abdulla Muaz has been appointed the Chairperson of Maldives Film Association (MFA).

Mariyath Mohamed
08 May 2024, MVT 11:25
Mariyath Mohamed
08 May 2024, MVT 11:25

Abdulla Muaz has been appointed the Chairperson of Maldives Film Association (MFA).

Application window for the vacant post in MFA's Executive Board was opened on April 30.

With Muaz being the sole applicant, MFA's committee appointed him to the post deciding there was no need to take a vote.

Muaz has previously served as the Vice Chairperson of MFA from 2015 to 2016.

Speaking to Mihaaru, Muaz said that his goal in his new position is to improve the industry further.

"To use my own knowledge and develop things in my own way. To work to bring further advancement to the industry," Muaz outlined his vision.

Muaz has also served as a Senior Executive Director at the National Center for the Arts (NCA).

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