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Blood donation by 3 percent of population would ensure adequate supply: Health Ministry

Maldives has a high population of thalassaemia patients and requires a higher volume percentage of blood compared to other countries.

Ameera Osmanagic
14 June 2024, MVT 19:36
Blood donation is crucial in the Maldives, a country with a high population of thalassaemia patients --
Ameera Osmanagic
14 June 2024, MVT 19:36

Health Ministry of Maldives today revealed that the current blood supply needs would be met if three percent of the country's population regularly donated blood.

The Ministry's statement was revealed on the occasion of World Blood Donor's Day which is observed on 14th June each year, and went on to highlight that since Maldives has a relatively high population of thalassaemia patients, the demand for blood is also higher in comparison to other countries.

The Ministry quoted World Health Organisation (WHO) which revealed that typically only one percent of a country's population is required to donate blood regularly to meet the country's blood needs.

However, in Maldives, WHO has increased this percentage to three, with 70 percent of the blood bank going towards thalassaemia patients.

The ministry further revealed that a total of 53 blood donation camps were held during 2022 and that the number increased to 62 last year, which is 17 percent more.

This year, 27 blood donation drives were held during the first five months alone, while 22 were held during this period last year.

As of now, the government is working on establishing blood banks in five regions of the country. This includes Kulhudhuffushi island in Haa Dhaalu atoll which is located up north, Ungoofaaru island in Raa Atoll, also up north. Both these blood banks are estimated to be completed before the end of this year.

The government is also in the process of establishing a specialised care hospital for thalassaemia patients.

This year's blood donation theme is "20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors!"

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