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Rozaina bids adieu to Parliament after 15 years; "leaving satisfied"

Rozaina served three terms as MP spanning over 15 years and has now spoken at the parliament for one last time after she failed to secure a party primary ticket during this year's parliamentary election.

Ameera Osmanagic
13 May 2024, MVT 17:44
Rozaina Adam during a parliamentary session -- Photo: Parliament
Ameera Osmanagic
13 May 2024, MVT 17:44

There are no regrets leaving the parliament after completing three terms, said MP for Addu Meedhoo constituency Rozaina Adam today.

During the last parliamentary sitting of the current term, she announced her decision not to contest for parliament in the future. She said that this would be the final time that she would address the parliament in the capacity of an MP.

Rozaina, who first represented Kaafu atoll Thulusdhoo constituency during her first term and then twice represented Addu Meedhoo constituency during her parliamentary career, said that she has the satisfaction of having fulfilled the responsibility entrusted by the the people she was voted to represent.

"I can say with certainty that there was not a single day that my seat was up for auction. After fifteen years, I am leaving with a sense of fulfillment," she said.

In her address, she assured that at no point did she ever sold her vote for monetary gain, whether it was internal party votes, parliamentary votes, or votes at the national level.

Acknowledging the support she received over the years, she expressed gratitude, stating that she reached this point because of the many who stood by her. She emphasized that she is now departing with a sense of "courage and enthusiasm."

She also highlighted how stressful the job of an MP is, reflecting on the challenges she faced within the parliament as well as on social media. As such, she noted that the incoming parliament would have only three female representatives and called on to their counterparts to support their efforts in doing good.

"During the last parliament, I noticed how the sole female member of a party faced numerous insults from [other] party members. With females being in such low numbers and the job being highly challenging, I urge for additional support to be provided for female members," she added.

Rozaina was initially elected to the parliament in 2014, representing Kaafu Atoll Thulusdhoo in central Maldives. During her second term, she went on to represent Addu Meedhoo, located at the southern tip of the country, becoming the first female MP of Addu City. In 2019, she successfully defended her seat for a third term, representing the same constituency.

Rozaina participated in the primaries for this year's parliamentary elections; however, she was not successful.

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