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PCB once again announces seeking CEO for MIFCO

Privatization and Corporatization Board has, for the second time, announced that they are seeking a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO). The position is open to foreigners as well.

Mariyath Mohamed
29 September 2024, MVT 11:51
Mariyath Mohamed
29 September 2024, MVT 11:51

Privatization and Corporatization Board has, for the second time, announced that they are seeking a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO).

In the announcement, PCB appeals to interested applicants to send in applications before October 8. The position is open to foreigners as well.

PCB said that a person would be appointed based on their qualifications and experience.

Based on the selected person's abilities, the salary will be between USD 12,000 (MVR 185,040) and USD 15,000 (MVR 231,300), the announcement said. PCB had offered a salary of MVR 9,500 (MVR 146,000) and USD 12,000 (MVR 185,000) when the post was previously announced.

In June, PCB stated that they had cancelled the announcement as, by the time the deadline was reached, they had not received any applications from qualified persons.

The post of CEO at MIFCO became vacant when the government's appointee to the position Ahmed Samah Rasheed was dismissed by PCB. He was dismissed following suspension in relation to several complaints received by PCB.

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