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'Climate Change Resolution' submitted to parliament

Shahudha Mohamed
08 September 2019, MVT 17:56
Hoarafushi MP Ahmed Saleem speaking at a parliament session. He submitted a resolution calling for Maldives to advocate in the fight against climate change in the international community. PHOTO: PARLIAMENT
Shahudha Mohamed
08 September 2019, MVT 17:56

A resolution, calling for the world's attention on the matter and expressing concerns over the lack of action towards reducing climate change in the race against time to save the planet, was submitted to the parliament on Sunday.

Proposed by Hoarafushi MP Ahmed Saleem, the resolution stressed that while consequences of climate change are negatively affecting the world economically, socially and environmentally, low-lying countries such as Maldives, are especially vulnerable to the risks.

Calling for immediate measures to be taken, the proposal expressed grave concern on behalf of all Maldivians, over the lack of action taken towards reducing the emission of harmful gases by the countries releasing such emissions at the highest levels.

The resolution declared that 2018 noted a peak increase in the number of emission of greenhouse gases, stating that it was also the fourth hottest year ever recorded and drawing attention to the fact that as a result of ice caps on both poles melting continuously for the past 30 years, over the past seven years sea-levels have also steadily risen.

Citing the report publicized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the resolution noted that compared to temperatures prior to the industrial revolution, global temperatures have risen by one degree Celsius and that with the escalate in harmful emissions, this value will keep on increasing.

It further noted that if proper measures are not taken immediately, global temperatures will rise by 4. to 4.8 degrees Celsius by the end of the century - which would mark a point of no return for the country and the planet as a whole.

In his resolution, the chair of the parliament Committee on Human Rights and Climate Change called Maldives to fight for climate change on international platforms and urge foreign countries to regulate their carbon emissions below the identified danger levels.

To prevent average global temperatures from exceeding by more than 1.5 degrees, the resolution called for all countries to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases by 45 percent by 2030, and reach net zero by 2050.

Moreover, the resolution also called for Maldives to fight for policies to be structured under United Nations (UN) regulations to identify and take economic measures against countries releasing harmful emissions exceeding the amounts stated in the Paris agreement.

The conversation around global warming and climate change gained more voices within the year, following devastating environmental events such as the Amazon rain-forest fires and melting of Okjokull, a 700-year-old glacier in Iceland.

Cities and countries are now announcing climate emergencies with pledges to reduce the human impact on the environment.

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