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Night market to commence in November

Farah Ahmed
16 August 2017, MVT 12:20
From the night market that was held in Male in 2016 PHOTO/MIHAARU
Farah Ahmed
16 August 2017, MVT 12:20

Maldives National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) announced Tuesday that the annual night market will commence in November at the Industrial Village in Male.

Board member of MNCCI, Abdul Maaniu said that the targeted date to start the event is November 15 and that they are currently surveying the area in order to set it up.

The total number of stalls and the leasing prices will be revealed once the surveying is over, he said.

“We’ll set the leasing prices at market-rates. We won’t make it unaffordable for small-scale businesses,” Maaniu reassured.

He also said that the newly developed Industrial Village is a large area and that they can get a good scale of this year’s night market once the floor plans for the area are done.

While a stall price has not been set yet, MNCCI has opened the opportunity to book stalls for the night market. Maaniu said that the demand for the stalls is already high.

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Night Market
