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Minister Khaleel directs criticism towards websites run anonymously

Communication Minister, Khaleel has stated that anonymous websites have been spreading lies and warping truths. He heavily criticized these website operators and stated that they should boldly write about what they want in public.

Aishath Shuba Solih
04 May 2024, MVT 13:53
Minister at the President's Office for Strategic Communications, Ibrahim Khaleel (R) with Minister at the President's Office for Presidential Affairs, Ali Arif. -- Photo: Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
04 May 2024, MVT 13:53

Minister at the President's Office for Strategic Communications, Ibrahim Khaleel has directed criticism towards people who operate anonymous news websites.

Khaleel, who has served various roles at news medias for a lengthy amount of time stated on Public Service Media (PSM) news that these anonymous websites have been spreading lies and that truth and lies cannot be discerned on these websites.

He said that during the establishment of democracy in Maldives, various individuals operated anonymous websites behind the scenes. However, he pointed out that in the present era, online media outlets have the freedom to cover topics according to their preferences, and media channels discuss themes aligned with their specific interests.

"[They] can write whatever article they want, can they not? Then writing things anonymously is a bit cowardly, don't you think? I can't help but use the word 'cowardly'. [They] can just boldly come out and criticize, can they not? [They] can come out boldly and criticize the President too, can't they?"

He reiterated that operators of anonymous websites should have the courage to appear in public before criticizing the management procedures of the state.

Khaleel emphasized that there are no blacklisted media outlets in this administration. He further stated that journalists are freely talking about the topics of their choice and writing what they wish, even at present.

"Where were they taken? What action was taken against them?" questioned the Minister, speaking at the celebratory event held yesterday to commemorate the World Press Freedom Day.