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Salary increments for civil servants announced

Nafaahath Ibrahim
08 February 2018, MVT 15:42
Some civil servants pictured outside the main government office building ‘Velaanaage’ in the capital Male. MIHAARU PHOTO/NISHAN ALI
Nafaahath Ibrahim
08 February 2018, MVT 15:42

The state has increased the salary for civil servants Wednesday.

The details of the new salary increments were announced in a circular released on the Civil Service Commission’s official website. According to the circular, the increments depend on the posts held by the civil servants and are between MVR 700 and MVR 1500.

Employees who are in a technical code position and meet eligibility criteria will be given a 28 percent increase and service employees will be given an allowance of MVR 1200.

The circular highlighted that the biggest changes were brought to the high-ranking employees of civil service such as directors, deputy directors and managing director posts.

The civil service composes of approximately 23,00o employees. The new salary increment came after years of complains by civil servants about unfair pay. The lowest civil service salary usually is below MVR 5000.

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