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Fishing boat splits in half while at sea

Farah Ahmed
20 January 2018, MVT 21:37
The fishing vessel "Randhuveli 105" - the boat split in half while at sea on January 20, 2018 --
Farah Ahmed
20 January 2018, MVT 21:37

A fishing vessel from Kanduhulhudhoo in Gaafu Alif atoll has broken in half while at sea on Saturday afternoon.

The 90-foot fibreglass boat named “Ran Dhuveli 105” broke from the middle while it was about 18 miles away from Gaafu Alif atoll, the owner of the boat Afeef Mohamed said.

While there were 19 people on board when the incident occurred, no one was injured in the accident.

Since the boat did not completely break down, Mohamed said that the crew had tied the two halves of the boat together, and is currently working on bringing it ashore, with the help of another boat.

The fishing vessel was built 13-years ago. The reason why it broke in half is not yet known.

Last year, a similar incident where a fishing vessel split in half, had occurred, also in Gaafu Alif atoll.

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