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Maldivian athletes shine at the Paralympic Games Paris 2024

Both para-athletes from Maldives competed their Paralympic Games Paris 2024 with personal bests.

Ameera Osmanagic
03 September 2024, MVT 13:52
Maldivian Paralympians in Paris, France 2024 -- Photo: Maldives Paralympics Committee
Ameera Osmanagic
03 September 2024, MVT 13:52

Local para-athletes Abdul Razzaq Abdul Samad and Fathimath Ibrahim (Fathun) have completed their Paralympic Games Paris 2024 events with new records.

This week, Razzaq ran in the mens 100 meter T12 (visual impairment) sprint held on 30th and 31st August in the second heat of the event. He competed against Zac Shaw from Great Britain, Kesley Teodoro from Brazil and Fernando Vazquez from Argentina.

Razzaq finished third at 14.46 seconds behind Kesley and Zac, while Fernando was disqualified. Kesley finished at 11.16 seconds while Zac won with a margin of just 0.01 seconds at 11.15 seconds. Although Razzaq did not qualify for the next round, the heat's outcome was a personal best for him and was also marked as a season best.

Fathimath, who was Maldives' first Paralympian in 2021, competed in the first round women's 100 metre T11 (visual impairment) sprint on 2nd September. She ran in the fourth heat against Liu Cuiqing from China, Linda Patricia Perez Lopes from Venezuela and Delya Boulaghlem from France.

Fathimath also finished third at 17.10 seconds behind Liu who finished in 12.15 seconds and Linda who finished in 12.24 seconds. This was a personal and national best outcome. However, Fathun also did not advance to the next round.

The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games is the 17th Summer Paralympic Games. The Games commenced in Paris, France on 28th August, and will be held until 8th September 2024.

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