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ACC case updates easily made available to appellants

ACC said the new portal will save time spent responding to requests for case progress and will make it easier to know the Commission’s decision on the cases filed.

Malika Shahid
30 July 2024, MVT 12:29
ACC President Adam Shamil launches the commission's portal 'Libby' -- Photo: ACC
Malika Shahid
30 July 2024, MVT 12:29

Updates on cases filed with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) have been made easily available to appellants through a new system.

At a ceremony held at the Commission, ACC President Adam Shamil launched "Libby," which allows for automatic case updates.

The ACC stated that the system will only provide full updates on cases submitted using mobile numbers.

From the date of filing the case until the completion of the investigation, the Commission will send updates via message at the beginning and end of all stages of the case.

The portal will provide updates on the case without requiring appellants to appear before the commission or spend additional time.

ACC said the new portal will save time spent responding to requests for case progress and will make it easier to know the Commission’s decision on the cases filed.

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