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MMPRC Deputy Managing Director suspended over sexual harassment allegations

Deputy MD of MMPRC has been suspended for allegedly sexually harassing employees. MMPRC released a statement reassuring that necessary action will be taken against individuals found guilty of such crimes.

Uzma Naseem
02 April 2024, MVT 17:13
MMPRC Deputy Managing Director, Bassam Adam, suspended over sexual harassment allegations. -- Photo: Mihaaru
Uzma Naseem
02 April 2024, MVT 17:13

Deputy Managing Director of the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), Bassam Adam, was suspended yesterday on allegations of sexually harassing employees.

According to reports, a victim of sexual assault by Bassam had complained to other employees that he had harassed her. In response, the MMPRC board has suspended Bassam pending further investigation.

Asked directly about the case, the company’s Managing Director, Fathimath Thaufeeq, did not respond to the question, stating that the matter is currently under investigation.

After the incident came to light, MMPRC issued a statement asserting that no employee had formally lodged a complaint of sexual harassment.

The information has been shared with the disciplinary committee of MMPRC, to verify the accuracy of the information provided to the management and to take appropriate action.

“We assure you that necessary action will be taken following the disciplinary committee’s inquiry” the statement said.

“Sexual harassment will not be tolerated by the company’s management and MMPRC will take stringent measures against any employee found guilty of committing such acts”.

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