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No remand in custody for accused in Moosa's murder: High Court

The High Court ruled against remanding the accused individual in the murder of Moosa Ahmed Manik, who was earlier acquitted by the Criminal Court, as they maintain he does not pose a threat to society.

Uzma Naseem
31 March 2024, MVT 19:14
The High Court of the Maldives ruled that the accused murderer of Moosa will not be remanded in custody. -- Photo: Mihaaru
Uzma Naseem
31 March 2024, MVT 19:14

The High Court of the Maldives has ruled against remanding until completion of trial of the accused, who has not been convicted in the murder case involving the stabbing of a youth in Male’.

In September 2017, Ibrahim Sammah Ahmed Fathuhee from Alif Dhaalu Maamigili ‘Shadygrove’ was charged by the State in connection with the murder of Moosa Ahmed Manik from Vaavu Keyodhoo ‘Deliaage’.

The State appealed the case at the High Court after the Criminal Court acquitted him last January. As a result, the State requested that he be remanded in custody pending a ruling on the appeal case.

Last Thursday, the High Court ruled that the accused was not a threat to society and had no previous criminal record. Statements were also submitted to provide that he held a responsible job. The three-judge bench also determined that there was no evidence suggesting that he posed a threat, even during his previous release from custody. Therefore, the court decided not to order his remand pending the appeal ruling.

The High Court’s decision was made by a bench comprising Justice Fathimath Farheeza, Justice Maniu Hussain and Justice Mohamed Faisal, with Justice Farheeza presiding over the proceedings.

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