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Cancer hospital to be built behind on parking zone behind Dharumavantha hospital

Health Ministry announces a search for contractors and people interested in conducting researches for the cancer hospital determined to be built on the parking zone behind Dharumavantha hospital.

Aishath Shuba Solih
15 February 2024, MVT 10:08
Dharumavantha Hospital Dharumavantha Hospital
Dharumavantha Hospital
Aishath Shuba Solih
15 February 2024, MVT 10:08

The government has decided to establish a cancer hospital on the land behind Dharumavantha Hospital and announced a search for people willing to conduct feasibility studies on the matter.

The announcement made by the Health Ministry stated that the window for registrations to construct the building and conduct the required feasibility studies are open until the 25th of this month. The announcement instructs applicants to complete the registration sheet and email the application to tender@health.gov.mv.

Submission window for tenders will open on the 29th of this month (Thursday) at 1000 hrs. The announcement informs that application forms of individuals who do not register or fail to submit their tenders on time will not be accepted.

Addressing the announcement, Health Minister, Dr. Abdulla Khaleel shared with Mihaaru News that the hospital will be built by conjoining the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) staff parking lot together with the parking zone behind the Dhiraagu Building. The hospital explained that this area is the same area allocated to construct the new Dharumavantha Hospital tower.

Building a cancer hospital was a plan established during the former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s tenure. The hospital was originally determined to be built under the Indian government’s Line of Credits (LOCs) scheme at Laamu Atoll Gan. A 20,000 acre of land plot was also allocated for the project and some research was also conducted.

However, no practical work was commenced even until the end of the government’s tenure.

This government is believed to be constructing the hospital under Dubai’s aid although the state has not yet disclosed their methods to acquire finances for the project.

Acknowledging the concerns of doctors, this government determined to relocate the construction of the cancer hospital from L. Gan to the Male’ region and decided to establish a mental health hospital on the land in L. Gan.

In a previous interview, Haleem had stated that there are obstructions in building a cancer hospital in an area where tertiary care is not available.

Professionals also believe that establishing such a hospital in a location where resources are inadequate will cause patients to endure many hassles, he said.