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ACC states flat list on social media not compiled by them

Mariyath Mohamed
12 February 2024, MVT 09:43
ACC in today's press conference regarding the findings of their investigations into the flat issue.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
12 February 2024, MVT 09:43

The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) has stated that the flat list being circulated on social media is not a list compiled by the commission.

A list allegedly from ACC, compiled on their letterhead, was circulated on social media yesterday. That list claimed that 1411 out of 4000 flat recipients were deemed ineligible.

However, the ACC released a statement Sunday night denying that the published list was one of theirs. In the statement, the commission stated that the list they have compiled have so far only been shared with the Housing Ministry and the Parliament's Committee on Independent Institutions.

No details on their findings have been shared besides what they revealed to media during their earlier press conference, the statement reads.

Assuring that no documents regarding their investigation have been released publicly by either the commission or any of its staff, the statement went on to condemn acts of spreading misinformation via social media with the aim of giving rise to public discord.

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