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PPM/PNC Primaries: 1 out of 32 female candidates succeeded

Mariyath Mohamed
28 January 2024, MVT 10:10
Asma Rasheed casting her vote in yesterday's PPM/PNC parliamentary primaries.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
28 January 2024, MVT 10:10

The Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People's National Congress (PNC) coalition's parliamentary election primaries were held on Saturday, with 283 candidates contesting in 73 constituencies.

Out of these 283 candidates, only 32 were women. Results of the primaries show that only 1 out of the 32 women candidates has won the parliamentary ticket in the entire primaries.

The one woman who won the parliamentary election ticket is Asma Rasheed, candidate for Maafannu Central constituency.

Asma has previously served as a parliamentarian for the same constituency in the 18th Parliament.

Candidates who lost in the primaries include Dunya Maumoon, Anara Naeem, Noorbaan Fahmy and Zeenaaz Adam.

PPM/PNC Coalition Leader President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has previously spoken about the party's stand to increase women's participation in the parliament and the political sector. He has announced a special allowance to be granted to female parliamentarians. The party has also conducted numerous workshops centered on empowering women in the field of politics.

The thirteen candidates who had their tickets confirmed prior to primaries due to being the sole candidate in their constituencies also include one female candidate, making a total of two coalition candidates running in March's parliamentary election.

These two are Asma Rasheed for Maafannu Central constituency, and Fathimath Saudha for Nilandhoo constituency.

While a high number of women were included in the coalition's 71,597 eligible voters, and women's participation in campaign activities were significant, results of the primaries contradict this vision of women empowerment.