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Yameen disappointed in government's efforts so far to remove Indian troops in Maldives

Former president revealed his distress and expressed his uncertainty following a State Minister's statement that removal of Indian troops from the country will be 'complicated'.

Aishath Shuba Solih
21 January 2024, MVT 19:04
Former president Yameen speaking at PNF's meeting
Aishath Shuba Solih
21 January 2024, MVT 19:04

Former President of Maldives, Mr. Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has expressed that he is disappointed with the State's proceedings to handle the removal of the Indian Military presence in Maldives.

During a meeting by People's Nation Front (PNF) - a new political party created with the guidance of Yameen who resigned from Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) following dispute with the current government - he expressed his opinions on the matter. Yameen is currently under house arrest after being granted leniency while serving an 11 year prison sentence for the crime of receiving bribes and laundering money.

According to the prison and parole guidelines, a person serving a prison sentence is banned from operating in a lead position in any political party or organization, or from attending any events held by them. Hence, Yameen attended last night's PNF gathering in the capacity of a general member.

The views about the Indian troops were disclosed during a question aimed at Yameen's senior legal representative, Dr. Mohamed Jameel.

During the ceremony that allowed questions from general members, Yameen said that the one of the most important presidential vows made by the current government prior to assuming office was the withdrawal of the Indian military presence in Maldives. He expressed his disappointment, saying that efforts to remove the military were sincere and speedy at the start of this administration, implying it has wavered off now.

Referring to the Presidential Office's Minister Abdulla Nazim's statement that the expulsion of Indian troops from the country will not be simple and effortless, Yameen has said that he was in low spirits after hearing that.

"It is very disheartening to hear these words from a Minister of the President's Office of a government that came with immense courage and resolve to remove the Indian troops from Maldives. Nothing will be easy." said Yameen.

On the press conference held on the 2nd of this month, Nazim declared that the state has always believed the removal of Indian troops will be complicated.

"We believe this must be done within the framework of diplomatic procedures and methods, and as expected in the modern developed world. This has to be done within the boundaries of the law," he said then.

He added that progress is being made and implores the citizens not to lose hope.

Yameen has said things are very unclear because despite Maldives notifying the Indian government to remove their troops, no such headlines have made it into the Indian newspapers.

“[Indian newspapers reported that] the meeting certainly discussed no deadlines for the eviction of the Indian military presence in the Maldives,” said former President Yameen.

However, the State has proclaimed that during last week’s meeting with India at the Foreign Ministry, President Dr. Mohamed Muizz has implored to the Indian government to withdraw their troops from Maldives before 16th March.

After lengthy discussions, Maldives Foreign Ministry disclosed that the Indian Government has agreed to carry out the transfer of their forces in Maldives at a fast track.

However, the Indian government has yet to make an official statement on the matter.