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Three injured in gas canister explosion

Mariyath Mohamed
17 January 2024, MVT 19:28
Mariyath Mohamed
17 January 2024, MVT 19:28

Three persons, including the chef, have been injured in a gas canister explosion that occurred in Male' City this evening.

The incident happened in Fastfood Outlet, located in Kimbigas Magu in Henveiru ward.

According to MNDF, the cafe's chef, of Sri Lankan origin, has received severe injuries. He is currently being treated at ADK Hospital.

In addition to the chef, two persons who were in front of the cafe' at the time of the explosion also received injuries. These injuries were caused as the explosion caused the windows of the cafe' to break and be blown out on the street.

The exact cause of the explosion is yet to be determined.

Another similar explosion was reported two weeks ago in a residence in Male', resulting in a woman sustaining injuries. This explosion was caused through trying to switch on a stove with a faulty gas connection.

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