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Government to permit students above Grade 10 to lead Friday prayers

Mohamed Rehan
10 December 2023, MVT 16:44
A congregation of prayers during a Friday prayer at the Islamic Center-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
10 December 2023, MVT 16:44

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has announced the decision to permit students in Grade 10 or higher, to lead Friday prayers as Imams.

The government had previously not permitted higher secondary students to recite sermons or lead congregations in Friday prayers.

However, Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has confirmed that the government has now permitted students of Grades 10, 11, and 12 to recite the sermon and lead Friday prayers.

The Minister via Facebook said that the decision reflects the current government's efforts to encourage compassion for the Islamic faith among the local youth, and provide such opportunities to the youngsters owing to difficulties in seeking professional Hateebs and Imams across the islands.

"The Ministry has decided to permit students of Grades 10, 11, and 12 to recite the sermon and lead the congregations of Friday prayers to promote compassion for the Quran, and to raise awareness towards the principles of Salat," the Minister said.

Youth Haafizs, those who have memorized the Quran, are genrally allowed to lead the congregational Tharaweeh prayers during Ramadan.

Earlier, the Minister also announced launching educational opportunities for local Imams with Masters Degrees to attain Philosophy of Doctorate (PhD) degrees in relevant areas from international universities.

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