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22 AIDS patients receiving treatment

Mariyath Mohamed
01 December 2023, MVT 18:15
Dharumavantha Hospital / IGMH / Health
Mariyath Mohamed
01 December 2023, MVT 18:15

Health Ministry has announced today that 22 patients are receiving treatment for AIDS in the Maldives.

The information was revealed on Friday, December 1, which marks the World AIDS Day. An HIV positive case was first detected in the country in 1991.

As per the Health Ministry's statistics, 40 people contracted HIV in the Maldives by the end of 2022. This includes 6 women and 34 men. 15 of these patients have passed away due to AIDS related complications. The remaining 22 are receiving ongoing treatment.

Ministry's advice for HIV/AIDS Prevention

While there is no cure for HIV, it is preventable. With access to effective treatment, HIV infection is now a manageable chronic health condition. If receiving proper and regular care, infected persons are able to lead healthy, normal lives, according to the Health Ministry.

A person infected with HIV may appear absolutely healthy to the onlooker.

- Having sexual relations with one HIV negative faithful partner reduces the chances of contracting HIV

- Using proper protection or condoms during sex

- Avoiding reuse of syringes/needles

- Completing HIV preventive treatment as advised by health professionals

- During pregnancy, get tested early for HIV. If you test positive, complete the recommended treatment process to avoid transmitting the virus to the baby

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