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Minister Rameela to fly abroad for cancer treatment

Mohamed Rehan
30 November 2023, MVT 10:08
Minister of Agriculture and Animal Welfare Dr Rameela.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
30 November 2023, MVT 10:08

Minister of Agriculture and Animal Welfare Dr. Aishath Rameela has decided to fly abroad for her cancer treatment.

The minister via a Facebook post said that she will be leaving abroad for chemo and radiation therapy after her cancer diagnosis. She added that she is a last stage cancer patient.

"With a heavy heart I am taking this leave from everyone. With God's grace, we will meet again," her post read.

She however, did not specify the type of her cancer. She will be flying to India for her treatment.

Minister of Strategic Communication of the President's Office, Ibrahim Khaleel confirmed the news to Mihaaru News.

Khaleel said President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu had contacted the minister following reports of her cancer diagnosis. President Muizzu assured the government's full support to the minister, Khaleel added.

"It is the President's prayer that Minister Rameela has a speedy recovery, and is able to resume work," Khaleel said.

Khaleel further noted that President's Office will be handing over the responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare in her absence.

Rameela, who began her career as a registered nurse in 1990 had been a two-time State Minister as well.

She attained her Philosophy of Doctorate (PhD) in Social Sciences from Malaysia in 2010.