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Attacks against civilians in Gaza are war crimes: Maldives Government

Lamya Abdulla
14 October 2023, MVT 17:38
A woman holding a poster in the walk for Palestine Maldivians had on Friday, October 13, 2023: Maldives government called on Israel to reverse the evacuation order they issued to the civilians living in East Gaza -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
14 October 2023, MVT 17:38

The Government of Maldives strongly condemned Israel’s targeted attacks on the people of Palestine and Gaza on Friday.

In a statement issued on behalf of the government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong condemnation for Israel's military offensive against Gaza residents. They particularly criticized Israel's directive to relocate 1.2 million civilians from east Gaza to south Gaza within 24 hours.

“Absent of any guarantees of safety or return this would amount to the war crime of forcible transfer. It must be reversed,” the statement said.

Hundreds of people, including women and children, have been killed and thousands more injured in indiscriminate Israeli attacks without distinguishing between militants and civilians. Important service providers, including hospitals and schools, UN buildings, civilian buildings and places of worship has been destroyed.

“The Government of the Republic of Maldives considers these deliberate acts of aggression against the innocent civilian population of Palestine a blatant disregard and violation of international humanitarian law, tantamount to a war crime,” the statement said.

The government has called for an immediate end to the inhuman attacks against Palestinians. They called on the international community to ensure the opening of a humanitarian corridor to provide immediate supplies, food and essential sustenance to Gaza.

The statement reiterated that the Government of Maldives and its people stand unconditionally in support of the Palestinian people's legitimate efforts to establish a separate state and safeguard their rights.

The Maldives government believes that a lasting and sustainable solution to the conflict can only be achieved by establishing an independent and prosperous Palestinian state that has declared East Jerusalem as the capital, based on the pre-1967 borders.