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Maldives police arrests local high-profile ISIS operative

Niumathullah Idhurees
23 February 2022, MVT 23:34
Police taking a suspect under custody during a special operation. MIHAARU FILE PHOTO/NISHAN ALI
Niumathullah Idhurees
23 February 2022, MVT 23:34

A suspected ISIS operative has been arrested in Maldives in a joint operation involving FBI and authorities from two European Union nations, Police Commissioner Mohamed Hameed reveals.

Hameed said that a 30-year-old Maldivian was arrested on January 6, 2022.

Mihaaru news reported that the suspect was Hood Mohamed Zahir who was living in Vilimale. He is suspected of being a senior IS operative, the commissioner said in a tweet.

According to Mihaaru, several items including electronic devices has been confiscated from Hood and police have obtained a court warrant to examine his electronic communications.

"Running its media campaigns - propagating extremism and more specifically, calling for perpetration of acts of terror on European soil and to harm its leaders. It was found that he had been conducting this activity since 2015 whilst living among us in Maldives." Hameed tweeted.

He said that the case is being treated a major terrorism investigation and conducted jointly by Maldives Police Service, FBI and authorities of two European Union nations.

He said a press release will be issued later with details of the case.

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