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Islamic Ministry to police over MDN report

Mariyam Malsa
05 October 2019, MVT 20:05
Cover page of Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN)'s Preliminary Assesment of Radicalisation in Maldives. PHOTO: MDN
Mariyam Malsa
05 October 2019, MVT 20:05

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, on Thursday, submitted a case to the police concerning Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN)'s alleged slander of Prophet Mohammed in its report.

According to the ministry, MDN's 'Preliminary Assesment of Radicalisation in Maldives' contained written accounts which contradicted the tenents of Islam and threatened the religious unity of Maldives.

The Islamic Ministry submitted the case to the police at 1345 hrs, requesting that the matter be investigated and adequate measures taken. Police have confirmed that they received the ministry's request.

The report criticized the Maldivian education system, claiming that the rhetoric of certain textbooks encouraged extremism and highlighting certain passages from the Quran.

MDN has come under fire for the report, with several members of the public demanding the NGO's closure on social media platforms.

The police revealed that certain individuals are actively trying to create hatred against a group of people including MDN members by spreading their personal details, alleging that they are attempting to eradicate Islam from the country.

The aforementioned matter is also being investigated by the police after MDN reported it.

MDN, an NGO promoting human rights and democracy in Maldives. has since removed the report from its website and issued a public apology.

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