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Adaalath Party to enter talks with ruling MDP

Mohamed Rehan
21 February 2023, MVT 13:05
Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (C) with Minister of Home Affairs and leader of Adhaalath Party Imran Abdulla (L)-- Photo: President's Office
Mohamed Rehan
21 February 2023, MVT 13:05

Adaalath Party announced it will enter into discussions with the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) before formally confirming their support to incumbent President and MDP candidate in the upcoming presidential election to be held in September.

The decision was taken at an impromptu meeting of the consultative council of the Adaalath Party, after President Solih's invitation to political parties to discuss forming a coalition to win the election in the first round of voting. Adaalath Party is already a part of the ruling party's coalition.

Apart from Adaalath Party, the President had sent the letter to other coalition members, including Qasim Ibrahim-led Jumhooree Party (JP) and former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s Maldives Reform Movement (MRM).

While the parties have not officially announced their support, Jumhooree Party is scheduled to hold its congress on on February 24 and 25, where important decisions regarding the presidential election will be made.

In a press statement, Adaalath Party said it wanted to discuss with MDP before confirming the decision to support Solih in the elections. The party also said that its decision to support Solih for another term is based on the positive experience under the administration compared to previous governments.

President Solih said he wants to win the election in the first round of voting by forming a coalition with other political parties.