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Broadcom Pres Shaheeb resigns, claims to be political victim

Shahudha Mohamed
09 October 2019, MVT 21:14
Former President of Maldives Broadcasting Commission (Broadcom) Mohamed Shaheeb. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/ MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
09 October 2019, MVT 21:14

President of Maldives Broadcasting Commission (Broadcom) Mohamed Shaheeb resigned on Wednesday, claiming that the parliamentary Committee on Independent Institution decided to dismiss him unjustly.

Shaheeb, who was appointed to Broadcom in 2011, resigned while the parliament committee had included sending the motion for Shaheeb's dismissal to the parliament floor on Wednesday's agenda.

In a letter addressed to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Shaheeb described himself as a "victim of a personal and political vendetta", adding that he never expected to face the threat of job security at a time where many advocated against cruelty and injustice.

Shaheeb began his letter denying all the allegations raised against him, claiming that he always acted within the constitution during his time as Broadcom President.

"However, since the decisions made by the Broadcasting Commission depends on the majority vote, as the chair of the commission I have to enforce the decisions as per the law, even though I do not support the particular decision. The constitution does not allow me a different course of action".

In addition, Shaheeb noted that he received hate and criticism when the Defamation Act was passed during the previous administration.

The now-resigned Broadcom President also added that he could have garnered the support of certain political figures by submitting cases to the commission under the freedom of speech granted by the constitution during his tenure, as other members of the commission did.

However, he reiterated that he did not partake in such activities as he always acted within the constitution, justly and fairly.

He further noted that the meeting minutes of Broadcom will reveal the details of who voted to fine certain broadcasting stations, adding that he did not take part in the vote as the chair of the meetings.

Shaheeb expressed disappointment at the parliamentary committee's decision, claiming that he was never informed of what he did unlawfully.

Stating that he cooperated fully with the commission by answering all of the committee's questions and submitting the commission's meeting minutes for the member's perusal, Shaheeb stated that the commission did not question him on any unlawful acts or disclose any accusations.

"Therefore, referring to the sub committee's report, the Independent Institution Committee's decision made on July 24, 2019, is an unlawful, unjust and in violation of the constitution", he wrote in the letter.

The parliament committee decided on sacking Broadcom's Vice President Fathimath Zaina as well. Broadcom members Hassan Nabaah and Ismail Sofwan resigned from their positions while they were under investigation by the Independent Institution Committee.