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Man accused of selling stolen watch sentenced to prison

Criminal Court has today sentenced to jail a man charged with selling a stolen watch worth nearly a hundred thousand rufiya. They also sentenced another individual to jail for using a stolen cash card.

Mariyath Mohamed
27 June 2024, MVT 12:39
Criminal Court
Mariyath Mohamed
27 June 2024, MVT 12:39

Criminal Court has today sentenced to jail a man charged with selling a stolen watch worth nearly a hundred thousand rufiya. They also sentenced another individual to jail for using a stolen cash card.

The watch in question is a MVR 98,000 worth Omega brand watch, which was stolen from an apartment in Male' in October 2021.

Abdul Qaffar Abdul Gafoor of Ma. Leggi was charged with appropriating property belonging to another for selling the watch to another individual for MVR 3000.

Two other individuals were charged with using MVR 1500 from a cash card stolen from the same property.

The Criminal Court's ruling yesterday stated that witness statements prove that Abdul Gafoor had sold the watch on. Hence, he was sentenced to 2 years, 9 months and 18 days in prison.

Of the two the state charged with using the cash card, the Court found one person guilty, Mohamed Ilham of Fehividhuvaru, Seenu atoll Feydhoo.

The court's ruling states that when Ilham was arrested, the stolen cash card was in his possession. He also had with him a Coast milk powder can, Milo cans and cigarettes purchased with the card.

He was ruled to 9 months and 18 days in prison. In consideration of time spent in detention, Ilham will be in prison for a further 7 months.o

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