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Customs Deputy Commissioner title restricted to ranks above Chief Superintendent

New amendments brought to the Maldives Customs employee regulations now dictate that only individuals holding a rank above Chief Superintendent of the organization would be eligible for appointment as Deputy Commissioner of Customs.

Ameera Osmanagic
29 April 2024, MVT 15:59
international customs day
Ameera Osmanagic
29 April 2024, MVT 15:59

New amendments brought to the Maldives Customs employee regulations now dictate that only individuals holding a rank above Chief Superintendent of the organization would be eligible for appointment as Deputy Commissioner of Customs.

Additional changes brought to the regulations which previously came into effect 12 years ago also state that appointees for this position must also hold a Masters with five years of experience in the organization and must be above the age of 30.

Alternative requirements include having worked at Customs for 15 years and holding a diploma, or having served at a rank higher than Chief Customs Officer for more than three years with a combined experience of 20 years at Customs.

Currently there are four Deputy Commissioners at Customs.

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