The new water plant, which will be installed after all necessary components are completed, is expected to increase Thinadhoo’s water production capacity to 600 tonnes.
Fenaka Corporation has denied allegations of corruption surrounding the procurement of a water plant for Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Thinadhoo, stating that the acquisition followed proper procedures.
Reports had circulated suggesting that the water plant was purchased from a private company for MVR 6 million more than what was offered from Male' Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC), raising concerns of potential corruption.
In a statement issued last night, Fenaka said that when the new management took over, Thinadhoo, the island which is most densely populated in the atoll, was struggling with poor electricity, water, and sewerage services.
The island faced significant challenges in meeting its water demand, with the existing water plant causing frequent service interruptions. Over the past two months, the company had to seek water from a private supplier three times, spending MVR 4.5 million on water for Thinadhoo alone.
"The residents experienced considerable hardship each time the service was interrupted. Without an immediate capacity increase, Thinadhoo will continue to face regular water supply disruptions," the statement read.
Fenaka added:
- MWSC and State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) were approached to procure a water plant to resolve the issue quickly
- MWSC said it would take five weeks to supply the plant, while STELCO estimated a 180 day timeframe
- Fenaka then sent a request for quotations to private companies from among it's vendors. Only one company responded after two opportunities
The agreement with the selected company was finalized after negotiating a reduced price, with the procurement following all relevant regulations and procedures, Fenaka said.
The new water plant, which will be installed after all necessary components are completed, is expected to increase Thinadhoo’s water production capacity to 600 tonnes.
Fenaka Corporation Managing Director Muaz Rasheed