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Maldives driving license accepted in Malaysia

Mohamed Rehan
14 September 2022, MVT 11:14
Front view of a Boulevard in Kuala Lumpur City, Malaysia; Maldivians can now use their driving licenses in the Southeast Asian country without supporting documents-- Photo: Ahmed Mahmood
Mohamed Rehan
14 September 2022, MVT 11:14

Driving licenses issued by the Maldivian transport authority can now be used in Malaysia without the requisite of supporting documents.

Previously Maldivian locals residing in Malaysia required authentication document of their licenses acquired from the Maldivian High Commission in Malaysia.

The agreement of using Maldivian driving license in Malaysia was signed earlier in August 2022 between the Malaysian government and Ministry of Transport of the Maldives.

The agreement was signed between Minister of Transport Aishath Nahula on behalf of the Maldivian government and her Malaysian counterpart Dr. Wee Ka Siong. The agreement will come into force 30 days after signing.

According to the Ministry of Transport, driving licenses issued in the Maldives will be allowed as an accepted driving document in Malaysia from Monday, September 12.

The ministry identifies the benefits for locals who are residing in Malaysia for various purposes; mainly for education.

The agreement is a two-way arrangement, making Malaysian licenses accepted in the Maldives. A move that will benefit Malaysian nationals residing in the island nation for employment.

Ministry of Transport comments this agreement was a symbol of demonstrated trust and strong ties between the two nations.

The agreement particulars extend for all motorized vehicles under A0, B1 and B2 categories.