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Win MVR 5000 gift card through international money transfers

Bank of Maldives has introduced a special promotion for International Money Transfers.

Mariyath Mohamed
08 July 2024, MVT 16:42
Mariyath Mohamed
08 July 2024, MVT 16:42

Bank of Maldives has introduced a special promotion for International Money Transfers.

In this promotion, a draw will be taken amongst those doing international money transfers, with each week's lucky winner receiving an MVR 5000 gift voucher. The promotion will span over five weeks.

Customers who transfer more than USD 100 abroad are eligible for participation in this promotion.

International Money Transfers can be made via the bank's mobile app. US dollar accounts and USD prepaid cards can be used to send transfers to bank accounts, cash agents and digital wallets.

This promotion is valid until September 7.

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