Rajani Shrestha has been deported for illegally conducting business via Ritz Salon.
Rajani Shrestha has been deported for illegally conducting business via Ritz Salon.
Maldives Immigration shared on social media X today that they had conducted a special inspection on August 11 in response to reports received via their online portal Immigration Watch against Rajani and Ritz Salon.
They revealed that Rajani had been working outside of the conditions set under the visa she had been issued. The four expatriates working alongside her also did not possess valid visas, hence they, too, were deported on August 13.
ރާއްޖޭގައި ގަވާއިދާ ޚިލާފަށް ފުޅާދާއިރާއެއްގައި ބިއުޓީ ސެލޫންގެ ވިޔަފާރިކުރަމުން އައި ފަރާތެއް ކަމުގައިވާ "ރަޖަނީ ޝްރެސްތާ" އާންމު ނަމުންނަމަ ރިޒް އާއި ގުޅޭގޮތުން "އިމިގްރޭޝަން ވޮޗް" އަށް ލިބިފައިވާ ރިޕޯޓަކާއި ގުޅިގެން، 2024 އޮގަސްޓު 11 ވަނަ ދުވަހު ވަނީ ހާއްސަ އިންސްޕެކްޝަނެއް… pic.twitter.com/GIww4oLxQs
— Maldives Immigration (@ImmigrationMV) August 24, 2024
Ritz Salon has a popular presence on TikTok as well, and has a large Maldivian following.
After moving to Maldives, Rajani announced her conversion to Islam in 2020. She then changed her name officially to Aishath Rizgin.
She initially came to Maldives in 2016, and has qualifications as a laboratory technician. She has since worked in various businesses in the country.