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New Initiative Launched to Enhance Urban Disaster Resilience

Today marked the launch of the "Making Cities Resilient (MCR) 2030" initiative, aimed at assessing potential disaster damage and creating a comprehensive roadmap for disaster preparedness.

Anaan Bushry
21 July 2024, MVT 14:20
During the inauguration ceremony of The Making Citie Resilient (MCR) 2030 today. Photo: NDMA
Anaan Bushry
21 July 2024, MVT 14:20

Today marked the launch of the "Making Cities Resilient (MCR) 2030" initiative, aimed at assessing potential disaster damage and creating a comprehensive roadmap for disaster preparedness.

The initiative was introduced in partnership with the Male' City Council and the National Disaster Management Center (NDMA).

Unveiled at a ceremony this morning, MCR 2030 focuses on addressing urban challenges related to disaster response, striving for improved preparedness and a safer urban environment.

The NDMA stated that the UNDR-led campaign will develop a 10-year resilience roadmap to guide cities and municipalities in raising awareness, strategic planning, and implementing resilience measures.

As part of the initiative, a framework and plan will be created to assess and enhance the city's resources for disaster management.

During the launch, the NDMA CEO Hisaan Hussein emphasized the city's commitment to preparing for future challenges and safeguarding society.

Mayor Adam Azim highlighted the initiative as a testament to their dedication to building a disaster-resistant city.

The campaign will also include a workshop for Male' City Council employees and stakeholders, running from today until Tuesday.

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