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Seven moved to temporary shelters after Hiyaa apartment fire

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has moved seven people into temporary shelters following a fire reported in one room of an apartment on the 11th floor of Hiyaa Tower 11 in Hulhumalé Phase 2.

Hanaan Hussain
23 April 2024, MVT 10:35
Hanaan Hussain
23 April 2024, MVT 10:35

Seven people have been moved into temporary shelters after a fire broke out in one room of an apartment on the 11th floor of Hiyaa Tower 11 on Monday night.

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has moved the family of seven living in the apartment into a temporary shelter as the fire had rendered one room in the two-room space uninhabitable.

An NDMA official confirmed to "Mihaaru" that the people had been moved to a temporary shelter after the fire incident as there was an issue in the electric wiring inside the apartment. The official revealed that an assessment of the fire-damage caused to the apartment would be conducted later on Tuesday.

It is unclear how the fire started inside the apartment.

Photos of the incident shared by NDMA show that the bed was burnt beyond use, with the apartment's roof covered in soot and the closet in the room was also affected by the fire.

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