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Yunan to be detained until his trial ends

Lamya Abdulla
12 January 2024, MVT 20:52
(FILE) Actor Yunan: Hulhumale' Court ordered that Yunan be detained until the trial against him ends --
Lamya Abdulla
12 January 2024, MVT 20:52

Actor Mohamed Yunan accused of child sexual abuse have been detained until the end of his trial again, after being re-arrested post his release.

Yunan, and his wife Aiminath Rihula was arrested in 2020 for allegedly sexually abusing a minor. While Rihula was moved to house arrest last year, Yunan was conditionally released last month.

The state appealed Yunan’s release with the High Court, and the court ruled last week that Yunan was released unlawfully, and overturned the initial release order made by the lower court. They said as he was released unlawfully, the lower courts will have to now make a decision regarding his detention once again. However, the police rearrested him under a new court order yesterday.

When his case was presented at court to determine his detention, the Hulhumale’ Court once again ruled he should be detained until the trial is over.

The Hulhumale’ Court is close to concluding the charges filed against Yunan and his wife Rihula regarding the case.

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